First blog post / Esimene postitus



My name is Helina, I am from Estonia and my number one hobby is handicraft, especially crocheting. I learned crocheting, knitting and other handicraft techniques at school. I started to learn it when I was  9 and the lessons lasted until I was about 15. At the age of 19 I started to do it again as a hobby and during recent years I have learned so much more about it. I am 23 right now I am an engineer and a student and handicraft is my way of relaxing after long school/workday. Until now I have shared my creation on my private Facebook page, in closed Facebook groups and on Pinterest but I have had a wish to share it with much more people and therefore I decided to create this page.

In addition to my creation I am planning to share explanations, pattern links, diagrams and tutorials about the things I have made so that if something is inspiring enough, you can try to make one by yourself. I am planning to make a special YouTube page in addition to this page to illustrate my posts with some videos and video tutorials that I have made during the process. And as I am Estonian, I hope you forgive me the mistakes I make while writing. I try to avoid them of course. There will also be the same post in Estonian under the English version, I am planning to write everything in 2 languages while using the same page. Only time will tell how well or not well will this work out.

During the following months my main aim is to share some posts about the things I have made during previous years and when I have managed to do it, I will share the creation I have been working on right after something gets finished.

I hope you will enjoy it.

Best wishes,




Olen Helina ja käsitöö on minu jaoks peamine hobi. Eriti meeldib mulle heegeldada. Käsitööd õppisin ma koolis kuni 9. klassi lõpuni, kuid umbes 19. aastaselt hakkasin sellega hobi korras taas aktiivselt tegelema. Praeguseks olen ma 23. aastane üliõpilane ja insener, kuid käsitöö on minu viis lõõgastuda peale pikka kooli/tööpäeva. Kuni praeguseni olen ma oma loomingut jaganud privaatsel Facebooki kontol ning suletud käsitöö teemalistes gruppides ja vahel ka Pinterestis, kuid päris pikka aega olen soovinud seda jagada avalikumalt ja seetõttu otsustasin selle lehekülje luua.

Lisaks oma loomingu jagamisele, plaanin jagada seletusi, mustreid ja juhiseid nende tehtud asjade kohta, et soovi korral saaks igaüks kätt proovida. Lisaks on mul plaanis luua YouTube kasutaja, millele laetud videode eesmärgiks on tehtu seletamine veel lihtsamaks muuta või lihtsalt siinseid postitusi illustreerida. Hetkeseisuga on plaanis samal leheküljel koos hoida nii eesti kui ka inglise keelseid postitusi. Seda, kuidas see õnnestub, näitab ainult aeg.

Lähikuudel on minu peamiseks eesmärgiks jagada eelnevatel aastatel valminud töid ning seejärel hakata jooksvalt tegema postitusi nende projektide kohta, mis on värskelt valminud.

Loodan, et teile siin meeldib.

Parimate soovidega,
