Pisikesed linikud!

heegeldatud, käsitöö, linikud

Esmaspäev on käes ning kuna eelnev nädalavahetus oli väga produktiivne natukene muus suunas, siis seetõttu jagan täna üsna lihtsat ja lühikest postitust linikutest, mis valmisid eelmise aasta veebruaris. Kusjuures avastasin, et lõpp-tulemusest tegin pildid 28. veebruaril 2016. aastal, seega peaaegu täpselt aasta tagasi. Seekord on muster saadaval ainult diagrammi vormis ja selle Pinteresti link asub siin.


Pinterestist allalaetud diagramm


Tärgeldamise etapp




Lõpp-tulemus kollaaži kujul

Neist valgetest motiividest räägin ma täpsemalt ühes teises postituses, kuna need on ühe teise projekti jaoks vajalikud. See teine projekt on minu jaoks niivõrd oluline, et ajendaski mind seda blogi looma. Seega on tulekul midagi põnevat.

Tänan lugemast!


8 thoughts on “Pisikesed linikud!

      1. My mum did a lace course when she was overseas in the 80s. We framed her pieces a few years ago – and they are small, but she talks about how long they took, and you can see the time taken with lace when you look closely at all the intricate work. Nothing like the mass-produced lace dresses in commercial stores!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. So nice story to share and remember! Thank you for sharing. I do have to agree, I started to make a dress made of those and gave up 2 years ago but last year I continued it and hopefully this spring the result can be seen. But it surely is the hardest and most massive project I have ever done.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Thank you! I will surely share it! This blog was mainly greated to share it at some point. If all goes as planned, then it will be finished by my graduation this June and surely before I will share some work in progress posts I think. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

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